Effects of Total Flavone of Cynomorium Songaricum on Perimenopausal Syndrome Model in Rats

Huan LI, Ming-San MIAO, Peng-Fei LI


Objective: To study the effect of total flavones of Cynomorium songaricum (CS)on perimenopausal syndrome(PS) rats. Results: The experimental dose of CS total flavonoids can improve the behavior index of PS rats in different degrees and significantly improve the uterus, thymus, spleen index and serum E2 levels, remarkably reduce serum FSH and LH levels; Induce the hypothalamus, pituitary, uterus, ovaries positive expression of ER. Conclusion: Various doses of CS total flavonoid scan improve the indexes of PS model in rats.


Cynomorium, Songaricum Total Flavonoids, Perimenopausal Syndrome Model



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