Application of Acute Hypervolemic Hemodilution Combined with Nitroglycerin Controlled Hypotension in the Elderly Patients

Yang Yang, Shuang QI


To explore the possibility of acute hypervolemic hemodilution combined with
controlled hypotension with Nitroglycerin in the elderly patients. 30 elderly patients are randomly divided into three groups: pure application AHH group (Group I), AHH combined use of nitroglycerin group (Group II) and the control group (Group III). The HR, ECG, BP, SpO2, CVP, FIB, PT, APTT were determined in anesthesia (T0), cut skin before (T1), operation after the main steps (T2), and 24 hours after surgery (T3). Group I and Group III patients CVP value of the blood dilution (T1, T2) than baseline (T0) were significantly increased (P<0.05), Group II patients CVP value had no significant changes. Group I and
Group II in the actual amount of bleeding significantly lower than Group III (P <0.05). Group II patients without intraoperative blood transfusion, significantly lower than that in Group I (P<0.05), significantly lower than that in Group III (P <0.01). Group I, Group II and Group III patients, the platelet count and fibrinogen significantly reduced (P <0.05), while PT, APTT was significantly longer (P <0.05), but were within the normal range. Acute hypervolemic
hemodilution combined with Nitroglycerin controlled hypotension can enhance the effect of blood conservation, especially Nitroglycerin can lessen volume load and possess better myocardial preservation.


Acute hypervolemic hemodilution, Controlled hypotension, Nitroglycerin



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