Detection of EPA and DHA in the Viscera of Marine Organisms

De-Yong ZHANG1, Xiao-Lu XU1, Yin LU, Xiu-Ying SHEN


The viscera of 6 kinds of non-fish marine organisms were collected for detection of
DHA/EPA using gas chromatography. The oil extraction ratio varied from 0.72% to
6.23%(wt%). Scylla serrata presented the highest oil yield, followed by Architeuthis dux and
Panopea abrupta. The EPA concentration (in methyl ester form) in the oil varied from 0.56 to
7.75(mg/g). Scylla serrata presented the highest EPA concentration(p<0.05), followed by
Architeuthis dux and Panopea abrupta. The DHA concentration(in methyl ester form) varied
from 0.15 to 4.71(mg/g). Architeuthis dux and Scylla serrata presented higher DHA
concentration than other species(p<0.05).


EPA, DHA, Marine organisms, Gas chromatography



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