An Approach for System of Systems Executable Architecture Structure Analysis

Jing-jing LIAO, Chun-lei ZHANG


In order to obtain the structure properties of System of Systems (SoS), a structure analysis framework of SoS executable architecture based on view models of DoDAF is presented. At first, advantages and disadvantages of Petri nets, automata and event structure graphs are compared after analyzing tools of state-oriented approaches and event-oriented approaches. Then respective extensions of the referred three approaches are proposed owing to the occurred probabilities and delays of the activities of SoS executable architecture. In the end, a new framework for System of Systems executable architecture structure analysis is brought forward combining the advantage of obtaining the structure properties from executable architecture models for Petri nets and easily modeling behaviors for automata and event structure graphs. The theory basis is provided for capability evaluation by the approach proposed.


System of systems, DoDAF, Executable architecture, Extension, Structure analysis.



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