A Target Ship Server Driven by AIS Signal for the Navigation Simulator
The planning route for the targets in the present navigational simulator is designed by the coach. The route designed in this way is in a sense with some subjectiveness and blindness and which imposed more burden to the coach. Thus, this article designs a target server based on AIS (Automatic Identification System) devices, with which the real-time AIS information is integrated to reflect the on-spot traffic simulation. The real system test indicates that the real AIS traffic introduction on the one hand improves the fidelity of the simulation which presents sense of pressure to the operators when handling the ship in the virtual reality environment, on the other hand, the traffic flow at sea can be automatically generated, all the AIS-signal-driven vessel can navigate and avoid collision automatically under the COLREGS (International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea), which will improve the coach's working efficiency while complying the training scene for the navigation simulation.
AIS, Navigation simulator, Target ship, Three-Dimensional Scene, Virtual reality
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