A Transmission System Planning Method Considering Combined Operation of Wind Farms and Energy Storage Systems

Bo Sun, Xunyuan Liu, Jubin Yan, Songtao Li, Yuxuan Yang, Xiaoming Wang


The ever-increasing penetration of wind power has resulted in new problems and challenges to the secure and economic operation of the power system concerned. Given this background, a bi-level transmission system planning model for this purpose is proposed. In the upper level, the objective is to minimize the total cost, the attained transmission planning scheme will be transferred to the lower level. In the lower level, the objective is to minimize the sum of the discharge cost of the energy storage system and the cost of abandoning the wind farm, the discharge cost of the energy storage system and the cost of abandoning the wind farm are transferred to the upper level as feedback. These two levels are implemented interactively and iteratively. Finally, the essential features of the developed model and adopted algorithms are demonstrated by a modified 18-bus test system.



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