A Newly Designed Method for On-Line Error Estimation of Smart Meter

Shu Cao, Hua Lin, Xiancan Wei, Wei Gao


The method of manual verification of smart meters used at the current stage usually suffers from high cost, poor efficiency, and small coverage. A new method is presented to solve the error of energy meter by iteration. Firstly, the daily electricity data is collected and sifted through to classify the data for light-load and no-load meters. Then, by applying the outlier line-loss rate treatment method, it can obtain the invariable-loss & line-loss rate & the suspected out-of-tolerance meter and their initial values. After that, the meter error, invariable-loss, and line-loss rate can be calculated by the improved meter error estimation model. Based on the computed results, the data with relatively high and low line-loss rate are removed. It is to guarantee that the line-loss rate of data is within a small range. The sifted process removes the outliers and avoids the mis-deletion of the valid data, which improves the calculation accuracy. The proposed method proves to be effective in out-of-tolerance meter search by verifying the data from two different scale distribute-electricity transformer districts (DETDs) and comparing with the traditional least-squares method (LSM). The algorithm is easily applicable to small computation burdens.



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